Fatty Liver Bible Home Page
Close the door, turn of your cell phone and take a couple of minutes for yourself because what you read on this page will change your life and your body forever
Book That Stirred the Medical Waters:
One of the 3 Most Prominent
Fatty Liver
In the World of holistic medicine reveals How He healed 1000s and how you can Use His Breakthrough Protocol To regain
beautiful Health.
From the desk of Debra Elkin, former fatty liver sufferer and health consultant:
My fellow fatty liver sufferer,
My name is Debra Elkin and I am a mother of two and a grandmother of three. My children and grandchildren are the joy of my life and I am so thankful I can watch them grow. But a couple of years ago it seemed that my time is up and I will have to say my goodbyes as I was diagnosed with advanced fatty liver followed by inflammation. My liver was so heavily impaired that my doctors predicted imminent cirrhosis or cancer and a need for a liver transplant.
This website is where I share the story about how I got back from the verge of "the other side" and how thousands of people are doing it every year following the principles of the holistic breakthrough protocol known as
the Ezra protocol.
Dr. Alfred Pischinger,
head of the University of Medicine in Graz 1936-1945
Just to eliminate any doubts, before you go any further, claim your
free report bellow.
This report will give you first-hand insight into the protocol so that you
can make an informed decision.
It is a 15 page document packed with answers to all the questions that you
might have.
It will give you an overview of the core principles and new-found chemical relationships that are at the core of the healing plan.
Before I tell you anything about my story, Take a moment to read through what other people have experienced with the Ezra protocol and how they used it to regain their lives from the living hell of fatty liver. These testimonials are completely unsolicited and used with the written consent of the people mentioned. It is just a couple of testimonials from over 300 we have in our database.
I hope some day you will be able to come back and share how you regained your health with the Ezra protocol.
Success story no.1:
Andy Gibbons, Keels , Canada
"I Lost 52.8 pounds in 4 months. I defeated fatty liver and initial liver cirrhosis..."
"...I was trying to loose weight for years, for decades even, as long as I can remember. I was blaming myself because I was failing over and over again, year in year out. It was in shock when I learned that my liver was robbing me of my results while I was dying to succeed. I was so scarred to learn that I was basically doomed because of my liver fibrosis that progressed so far that my liver was filled with fat, fibrotic and and already failing.
I was so scared and in panic. I found out about your book and the Ezra protocol on a public forum and I recognized myself in your every word. I got your book 6 months ago and I will let my pictures speak about what happened after..."
Andy Gibbons, Keels,Canada
Success story no.2:
Arzu Yilmaz, Marmaris , Turkey
"You should see the look on my doctor's face..."
"Where I live the doctors know very little about this disease that made a living hell of my life and stole years from my life. they just offer general advice and show no true understanding of what I am going through. You should just see their shocked faces when I was telling them how I was beating this thing they were powerless with. It was priceless.
I thank God every day I stumbled upon your website while researching about my disease. I can't even think about what would have happened to me if you have not taught me how to defeat my fatty liver. You gave me back my life. I am eternally grateful."
Arzu Yilmaz, Marmaris, Turkey
Success story no.3:
Hailey Millian, Tulsa, Ok.
"I scrutinized the protocol and I felt an unbelievable change within 3 days..."
"Hi, Debra, I promised I'll give you my testimonial if it works for me. Back then I was skeptic and to be honest, I never thought I'll be writing these lines. But I kept thinking, "What if?"
That is why I have decided to give it all a serious planned try. I got your book and I started using the information right away. And what happened shocked me like nothing before. By Day 3 of the protocol I was a changed woman. I felt energized and light. The prickly rash I had was almost gone in 10 days. I tested my ALT and ASt levels and they were down to normal within 3 weeks."
Hailey Millian, Tulsa, Oklahoma
There is only one reason why almost all fatty liver sufferers are failing Over and Over In Resolving Fatty liver and Obesity
The man on the picture on the above right if Dr Alfred Pischinger and his work is crucial for what is today known for as the Ezra protocol. The man who I have to thank for my blessed salvation,
Mr. Jacob Ezra
implemented a lot of the principles Dr. Pischinger's work into his holistic protocol for fatty liver reversal. Before I found out about Mr. Jacob Ezra and his little practice in Reims specializing solely in liver disease I suffered for years failing with every doctor that tried to help me with my terrible liver condition and the obesity. Later on I will share more about my story...
I tried everything. Nothing worked.
I suffered for years, trying pretty much anything you can think of. I would get my liver enzymes under control, loose some weight but then this thing would come back with a vengeance. I was desperate. I felt alone and I thought nobody understands. I felt them thinking that my obesity is because of the weak will power and to be honest " I just felt as a fat cow...". I am disgusted of even thinking about that period of time. But now I know...
It wasn't my fault and it's not your fault, either.
But then, something amazing happened. On a day like any other, I found my blessed salvation.
I met and old friend at the bank and as always, I monopolized the conversation with my liver and obesity problems. Then she said "My sister in law from Reims had the exact same problems and this man, Jacob, helped her. I think she lost something like 35 pounds..."
She continued to tell me that the man's full name was Jacob Ezra and that he is an alternative medicine practitioner
specializing solely in fatty liver and liver cirrhosis.
She said that he deals only with liver disorders and has 27 years of experience of working with people with problems that were exactly like mine.
Long story short, Mr. Jacob Ezra was my blessed salvation. I scheduled my first appointment for the first thing next week...
Within two months i was completely free of symptoms, my liver enzymes were normal, I lost 17 pounds and I was vibrantly healthy.
This website is all about spreading the word
about the Ezra protocol, by this moment effectively used to reverse fatty liver in tens of thousands of people.
What is the Ezra protocol?
It is a holistic, multidimensional, 5-Step plan for reversing fatty liver and obesity. It utilizes the vast knowledge and experience of Mr. Jacob Ezra and it's based on 27 years long research, trial and error and proven by healing tens of thousands of people worldwide. Later on, I'll present undeniable proof and testimonies.
You will see testimonials of many people that used the principles to regain their health, avoid cancer and change their bodies. You'll also see photos from our annual gatherings and seminars. I hope some time soon, you will join us on the annual conferences. It's great seeing people that have beat illness and came our stronger than ever.
The Ezra protocol is backed with over 50.000 hours of nutritional expertise and most importantly centered on a groundbreaking research about underlying cause of fatty liver (and I am not talking about eating wrong). It is also proven by over 250 case recovery studies officially submitted and approved as legit!!!
There are over 10.000 pages of documentations providing iron clad evidence that this is the real deal.
The only protocol in existence officially proven to reverse
fatty liver for good.
The Ezra protocol is now
socially proven in 22 countries
and if you give me a couple of minutes of your time by the end of this page I will show you how you can use it to:
First, eliminate the 4 chemical triggers that make it impossible to initiate the cleansing process
Second, flush the fat from your liver, unclog the sluggish cells and rejuvenate the liver to make it work like you were 20
Reverse the processes of toxic build-up that might be leaving 30 billion dead cells in your body every day while your liver is impaired
Reverse the chemical imbalances in your liver that put you at risk of developing that first cancer cell even while you are reading this
Tone and invigorate your liver
using precise breakthrough techniques you cannot learn anywhere else
Awake and boost your metabolism that is dormant due to the fibrin build up in your blood caused by your impaired liver function
Start burning that fat like you never thought possible and get the body you always dreamt of
Your liver and your adrenal gland is all that is stopping you from doing this.
It's the best kept secret of the fitness and weight loss industry.
Clean your arteries that are clogged due of the protein build-up (the blood of a fatty liver sufferer is often as thick as yoghurt) and eliminate the risk of a heart attack or stroke that comes with the thick blood
Feel that vibrant health that you so desperately pursue. You have no chance of this while your liver is congested with fatty infiltrations
Eliminate the side effects of the fatty liver such as the
rashes, skin discolorations and fatigue
Experience the new found hope. When I resolved my fatty liver I literally felt reborn.
Forget all about the misery your fatty liver brought or will bring upon you (if you fail to react) and NEVER LOOK BACK.
Okay, just look at the list bellow and tell me if your answer to any of these questions is "YES".
Are you overweight?
Do you have back pain?
Do you often feel tired and weak?
Do you sometimes experience abdominal pain or lower torso discomfort?
Do you sometimes feel nauseous or lose appetite?
Does your skin appear to be yellowish in color?
If you answered yes to
two or more of the questions above
, than you have a great chance that all your problems might lie in your impaired fatty liver. From the attitude of your doctors and the people around you might think it's not a big deal, but let me tell you - if you compare the awareness of people and the number of life threatening complications that occur...
fatty Liver is the single most underappreciated disease
of the western world.
While you think that it's not anything important -
fatty liver is robbing you of your health and weight loss results.
That's right, now you know the reason why all your diets fail. It's like pouring water into a hollow bucket. In fact, that is why all your endeavors to reach optimal health and wellness just fail miserably and you end up feeling sluggish, overweight, low in energy, unable to walk a block and sweating all the time.
Because you are clogged up With toxic Debris, poisons
Billions of dead cells.
And the Ezra Protocol has been proven to help over and over again in 1000s worldwide. Here are some testimonials of people that healed their livers and their bodies using the Ezra protocol. I found these especially moving.
Success story no.4:
Molly Brown, Stoke City, UK
"I am afraid to think about where I would be if I haven't stumbled upon your website..."
"Back in 2006 I was a wreck of a person. I was diagnosed with an advanced NASH, my liver enzymes were through the roof and I was quickly becoming obese with a shocking rate. By the end of that year my life was a living hell consisting of doctor's appointments and self-pity.
This was devastating to the life of my family, too. I was only a burden that they have to carry. That's how I felt. When I found your website I had my doubts, I admit it, but I just could not take any more. And today I thank God for giving me the brains to do the right thing and pursue the solution outside the boundaries of the conventional medicine. I am free from all symptoms for almost 3 years now..."
Molly Brown, Stoke City, UK
Success story no.5:
Ammy K. Lawrence, New York
"My terrible rash was gone like it was never there..."
"I refused to leave the house for months last year because I had a terrible facial rash for almost the whole year. The dermatologist told me he cannot do anything about it because the problem was not my in my skin, it was in the toxic build up in body because of my fatty liver. He explained that the toxins have no other way out so they break through the skin...
By November last year I was deformed and I even disgusted
myself. It was embarrassing getting all the looks on the street like I was
carrying some deadly African virus or something. I found your website by
clicking on an ad at the beginning of last year and decided to join the program
right away. I was gob smacked when I learned all you had to share, but more
importantly, my boyfriend told me that he saw a change on my skin within 5
days. As I went on with the cleaning it was getting better every day until I cleared
my skin completely within a bit over 2 months. Today, I still have issues with
slightly elevated AST but I feel almost no symptoms. I hope to be completely
healthy by the end of this year.
To your health"
Amy Lawrence, New York
Success story no.6:
Gwen Piscopo, Bordeaux, France
"In 2008 and 2009 I was a professional patient..."
"I had weight problems for pretty much all of my life. It is only when overwhelming fatigue and elevated liver enzymes were found that my doctor's realized that my problems were deeper than just being fat.
They told me that my liver was scarred and is sluggish and unable to do the work of cleansing my body. I was on heavy medication but I was progressively getting worse every day until it got so bad that I was practically living at teh doctor's while they were shooting in the dark. Then, a friend sent me an email with the link to your website in it. I was delighted to finally be able to share my problems and talk to somebody that had the same problems and solved them.
It's not an overstatement to say that the Ezra protocol saved my life."
Gwen Piscopo, Bordeaux, France
This clutter is building up inside you as we speak if you have a fatty liver.
Liver is the chemical lab of our bodies. In fact, I like to think about the liver as a small city with its facilities and recycle centers, with tiny workers working day and night to cleanse or bodies of all the poisons that would otherwise kill us within hours.
Can you imagine that the liver has over 500 functions in our body?
The most important functions of this amazing hard worker are:
Transform nutrients into chemicals
that regulate numerous processes in our bodies (albumin, blood clothing chemicals, bile, urea...)
Removing toxins and bacteria debris
Building protein
Blood sugar regulation
Removing cholesterol from the body (the only organ in our body that can break down cholesterol)
...and 500 other crucial processes...
Liver is the second most important organ in our body
after the brain.
This means that if your liver is impaired you have zero chance of being healthy. That's the simple and harsh truth.
But with our way of life, the fast tempo and the trash we eat or better to say the trash we are served with, liver disease is going through the roof these days. The grim truth is that most of the people don't even know it.
Liver is sensitive and fragile that way because if your tooth is damaged it will hurt because of the nerves in it. If you break a leg, you will experience excruciating
pain. If there's a problem in your head you'll experience headaches, but...
Liver does not have
Enough nerve endings to raise the Pain alarm !!
Think about that for a second. Stop and absorb this fact.
But what does that mean?
That means that you might be on the verge of liver failure and you might merely experience discomfort and no real pain at all. That is why if you suspect that you might have a fatty liver or another liver disorder, it is crucially important that you react right away. Another reason to do so lies in the fact that the processes that caused the fatty liver work in a kind of downward spiral.
When I say this I mean that it's so hard to break loose. Your liver is impaired and the toxins build up because it is unable to process them. The toxins clog the liver even more. the end result is that the liver is doing the exact opposite of what it's supposed to do.
Instead of keeping your healthy, your liver is poisoning you
Instead of burning the fat, your liver is making you obese
Instead of eradicating pre cancerous cells, your liver is causing the
mistakes in the extracellular matrix that lead to cancer
In fact...
That first cancer cell might be forming in your liver right now.
Every next second increases the risk. Pause, take a deep breath and think about this.
I apologize for being so harsh, but this is a wake up call. When I saw Mr. Ezra for the first time, he said that the patterns in my liver enzyme levels indicate exactly the kind of behavior that is the roadmap for developing liver cancer. In fact he said that he estimates that...
If I didn't do something about it, my chances of developing liver cancer or deadly cirrhosis within 3 years were over 70%.
Fatty infiltrations induced cirrhotic liver
Now imagine what something that looks like this can do. You're right
I was scarred and shocked about all the things I learned. I was so mad at my previous doctors. they were just shooting in the dark.
But there's good news...
Fatty liver is reversible in almost 100% of cases.
But that just isn't true if you are sticking to the conventional approach that is just masking the symptoms and never truly heal your body. Jacob told me everything about how misunderstood this condition is and how simple and easily reversible it is once the chemical obstacles are removed.
I remember that day in his small practice in Reims.
What this man was saying was so precise and clear.
So right to the point. To the source of the problems and not vague general statements like "healthy diet" and so on. In fact, he explained that everybody that does not have access to some of the crucially important information is putting their life at risk, not to mention the fact that he has virtually zero chance to reverse fatty liver.
He explained that...
Some practices used in fatty liver diets and conventional treatment make it chemically impossible to beat the disease.
He explained that what is generally healthy can be a disaster for people with fatty liver.
Does it sound like I am exaggerating?
Well, let me give you a little pre-taste of what I am talking about...
Let me give you a little test.
Think of 10 best foods to eat to fight your fatty liver. Take a moment and actually do this.
Now tell me - do you have Fruit on the list?
If you don't, I salute your knowledge and you might not need my help and you are probably OK to leave this website and go take a nice walk.
But if you do have
on your list, you desperately need help because you have been taught wrong. I can hear you saying,
"Are you insane, fruit is the healthiest food. My doctors says so...".
Generally, you are right.
But, if you are fighting fatty liver
Wrong kinds of fruit in the wrong time are To the fatty liver sufferer An equivalent of bacon with chocolate topping.
I know that it sounds a little "out there", but bear with me for just a second and keep an open mind while I explain everything and then make up your mind. If it doesn't make sense just say "Debra, you are talking rubbish" and move on. If it makes sense just keep reading because this is just the tip of the iceberg...
General statement of
a healthy diet would be: “Eat more fruit and vegetables that are rich in
nutrients.” But is not so simple
with the fatty liver sufferers. Why?
Because of the
fructose in the fruit.
To grossly simplify
things, fructose is much more readily transformed into fat in the liver than
glucose. I bet you are
shocked right now but I can tell you right away that eating diets packed with
fruit is probably the number one reason why people fail in loosing weight. Let
me explain…
You can find many
experts that will tell you that fruit is great for fat loss because it has a
low glycemic index. But the fruit is sweet and obviously packed with sugar, so
how can it have a low glycemic index.
The answer is simple yet alarming...
of the sugar from the fruit is readily turned into fat in the liver and goes out of the liver in the form of fat and as such it does not have the potency to induce insulin
Make no mistake,
fruit is healthy and has a lot of fiber and vitamins but it’s not the best ally
if you want to loose weight and eliminate the fatty deposits from the liver.
This is perhaps the
most widely misunderstood aspect of eating well to reverse fatty liver.
But where is the problem with
The problem lies
with the fact that our body does not have the necessary enzyme machinery to
efficiently metabolize fructose and turn it into glucose, so the fructose is a
liver-congesting agent. Fructose just passes by the enzyme that is responsible
for turning carbs into energy
(Phosphofructokinase-1 or PFK-1).
literally skips this control point
decides whether the carbs are deposited as glycogen or fat. Complex carbs such
as rice and oats turn into glycogen until the reserves are full. On the other
hand, large chunk of the fructose is just transformed into fat even if the
glycogens deposits are empty. Part of the fat
remains in the liver and a bigger part is pumped into the blood.
But the damage doesn't stop here. Part of the fructose that managed to get to glucose form is
deposited in the liver. Otherwise, the liver is the last part to be filled with
glycogen. When the liver is full of carbs, this is a signal for the body to
transform any additional carbs into fat (fructose or not fructose). Fructose
fills the liver with glycogen and thus puts it into “fat storing” mode.
At this
point, our liver transforms even complex carbs into fat.
The result - a true carbohydrate nightmare.
I am not saying that fruit has no place on the menu of a person trying to reverse fatty liver.
It most certainly does. But the truth is very precise and clear and it most certainly is not in general vague statements as "eat a lot of fruit"...no way...
You have to know what fruit to eat and when to eat it.
Get this wrong and you have zero chance of beating fatty Liver.
And this is just one out of the hundreds of similar facts that you might get wrong and forever ruin your chances of happiness and recovery. In Ezra protocol program, you get access to the cutting edge and little known cover information about fatty liver. Tens of thousands of people have gone through Jacob's practice healing their bodies and over 2,000 people have successfully used it by getting information through this website - I keep a diligent record of this.
Dear reader, wherever you are, let me tell you, if someone
is a skeptical person I am.
But I was not so skeptical about the way I felt after a month on the Ezra
protocol !
After changing my life completely, an idea occurred to me. I decided to share my story of
how I beat this horrible disease. I decided to gear up and write a book about
The hardest part of writing this e-book was getting Mr.
Jacob Ezra to share everything. And I do mean everything. And then shaping this
into a book.
If you are skeptical and in doubt let me share some of my
own doubts that I came across in the process. If you are thinking:
“ If it’s
possible to treat fatty liver and reverse it in such an effective
way, why does modern medicine insist on the same 50 years old protocols over and
over again?".
This was precisely my first thought after a month with of
visits to Reims.
And I am not sure about the answer to this question.
But I can share what Mr. Ezra told me when I asked him just
that. He said:
“You know, because of the nature of the condition, the treatment would have to be free according to the health regulation in most of the countries."
"Just think of it this way"-he said,
"fatty liver
occurs in something like 20-30 % of people. That
means that there are around hundreds of millions people in the world that suffer from
this thing. And just think of how much money you’ve spent trying to reverse your condition.
And with the old treatment, you will very likely continue to do so in the next
years, decades or even for the rest of your life.
"We are talking about hundreds
of billions of dollars.“
I could not conceive that this was really the case. I am not
much into conspiracy theories and all that, but what happened when I wanted to
publish a hard copy of this book made me think again.
I wanted to publish ’The Fatty Liver Bible & Ezra Protocol’ in a hard copy
first. I approached a couple of publishers that already expressed interest when
I began writing it, after I informed them about it.
But when the book was done,
everything changed. They kept avoiding my calls. And just one or two of them
even had the courtesy to respond to my e-mails saying that ’they decided to go
another way’ or ’the book would raise too much dust’. After I finally get to
meet one of the agents, he told me (strictly off the record) that the medical
community weight loss industry lobby pressed them so hard not to publish it that they had to give
in. I asked
’But why??’.
He just nodded his head and responded:
“ They said it
makes them look bad“.
But, it's ok, internet allows a more personal approach and this way - I am leading the people who get my book step-by-step in a controlled, precise and personal way.
That's right - I am offering personal counseling as a part of the program
(more info on that bellow).
But the downside of personal counseling is that it takes time and that is why I cannot just sell as many sits as people want. Because the program takes 3 months, my experience tells me that I can lead around a couple of hundred of people during the 3 months. So...
Please note that I might Shut The Website Down temporarily
At Any Time To Be Able To Offer Better Support To People In the Personal Support Program.
In case you are wondering about e-books and internet
publishing, this is how it works. It is not as simple as many think. You don't
just slap the book to the internet from your living room. You have to have the
book approved and published and then sell it through an official retailer. In
this case, the retailer for this book is the most renowned on the internet
Now, allow me to introduce the book that changed lives of
so many around the world, and the system that did the same for far more, even before the book saw the light of the day.
"The Fatty Liver Bible
& Ezra Protocol"
The Ezra Protocol is the only system in existence that is officially proven to reverse fatty liver.
"The Fatty Liver Bible & Ezra Protocol"
a163 page downloadable book, that is jam packed cover to cover with all
the answers that you'll ever need about this thing that torments you.
It is a fruit of 27 years of research that finally resulted
in the Ezra Protocol.
It will take you by the hand and lead you to vibrant health, slick figure and a liver of a 20 year old in
precise and controlled steps that already worked for 1000s of people in 22
The important thing is that over 70% of the information you get in the Fatty Liver Bible is available only between those covers and cannot be found anywhere else.
Here's a little pre-taste of what you'll learn when you download your copy of
The Fatty Liver Bible
SHOCKING DISCOVERY: Learn the dramatic truth about the Extracellular Matrix in fatty liver sufferers and how going public with this breakthrough ruined the life of one doctor
SECRET #1: Why hardly anyone gets fatty liver or is obese in the Orient? (very important)
SECRET #2: What breakthrough discovery about fatty liver triggers has been made in a double blind study in Russia.
SECRET #3: Malfunction of one small organ in our abdomen (not the liver) is where
so many answers lay. Find out which organ and how to amend the damage within weeks.
SECRET #4: Learn about the one deadly mistake that over 90% fatty liver sufferers makes every day. This mistake alone can rob you of your healing.
SECRET #5: How an American doctor stirred the water by saving the lives of hepatitis patients with such heavy liver damage that the other doctors practically pronounced them dead. The maverick doctor has been curing terminal liver damage using a simple, cheap natural acid. The same acid is one of the corner stones of the Ezra protocol.
SECRET #6: A problem in the lymphatic sacks of the fatty liver sufferer causes a congestion and can leave you with 30 billion dead cells trapped in your body every day. There is only one substance known to man that can
dissolve this clutter. Find out which today and put it to use.
Finally revealed: Why every attempt to resolve fatty liver and loose the fat fails miserably every time. The truth will shock you. The answers lay in your liver and your adrenal gland.
SHOCKING: It was a common belief that reversing failing liver cells is
practically impossible
until a study at the University of
London’s School of Pharmacy changed everything.
SECRET #7: Little known study about the action of one miraculous herb on mice with fatty livers. ALT and AST levels of these mice dropped by 41% over the course of 6 weeks. Who
stopped the study abruptly. And why?! ...
SECRET #8: Every fatty liver sufferer is in grave danger of extremely active Reactive Oxygen Species. How to shift the process within 36 hours...
SECRET #9: The dishes you cook prevent you from resolving your health issues. If you fail to learn this, you will continue with the deadly practices forever.
SECRET #10: The most deadly man made chemical is lurking from your supermarket shelves. Learn the truth that has been kept from you...
Guidance: 10 precise practical rules to avoid the terrible chemical mentioned above
SECRET #11: 4 personal care products make it impossible to shift the chemical imbalances in your body. Once you get rid of these offenders, your body's self healing ability will skyrocket. You'll feel it right away. I promise.
SECRET #12: A tiny organism uses a unique chemical to break down cocoon walls. No similar substance can be found anywhere else. Resolving the toxic debris in our liver would be impossible without this precious natural healing agent.
REVEALED: Why many alternative health practitioner say that "There is only one disease and there is only one cure" and how that relates to the fatty liver disease.
SECRET #13: If your liver is inflamed 6 foods that are commonly considered very healthy are your greatest enemies. Find the complete explanation included...
DELLUSIONS DECIPHERED: In spite of what you might've been told, fruit is not our best friend when fighting to reverse fatty liver. Not even close. Learn why and put it all to use...
Complete list of healing foods that will release chemicals into your bloodstream that will regenerate your liver tissue even when you're asleep.
Complete list of offenders that will make it impossible top even think about reversing fatty liver should they find their way on your plate.
How not to sacrifice any taste or joy of food and still maintain a fatty liver reversing diet -
Custom made program (co-authored by a professional chef)
Food group by group - the rules for fatty liver reversal differ greatly from general guidelines. Get this wrong and you're doomed.
Revealed: Liver has 3 types of cells. In a conventional approach the least important cells (fibrous tissue) prevent the healing of the most important ones (the liver cells proper). Learn how to get around this.
Basics: What is beta oxidation and de novo lipogenesis and how that relates to our success on the Ezra Program
Secret 14: A study in Hong Kong proved that a commonly found Chinese Herb can completely reverse fatty liver. Again, one of the corner stones of the protocol.
Aromatherapy, massage and your metabolism...
SHOCKING: In spite of what you might've been told, fruit is not our best friend when fighting to reverse fatty liver. Not even close. Learn why and put it all to use...
The truth: What are the facts about the fatty liver disease and exercise. By doing it wrong you are endangering your heart.
"Fatty liver - emotional health" decisive bond
Fatty liver, vitamins and minerals. Ignorance here endangers your health directly. See proof in clinical studies
OVERSEEN FACT: Genetic connection of the fatty liver development. Learn how to advice your loved ones.
DANGER: Hypercoagulation and the fatty liver. If you have it, your risk of stroke skyrockets. Bring it back under control.
BASIC TRUTHS: Learn in detail what deficiencies develop as
your disease progresses and all about right supplementation strategies. You
have no idea how wrong you can go here...
SECRET #15: Certain every day things, like removing red wine
stains by tipping white wine onto them are everywhere. There is one things that
is all around us yet we fail to recognize it's potency. Yet, this simple thing
is an important part of the healing protocol. Learn about it. You'll be amazed
with how simple it is.
Secret #16: ...
Secret #17: ...
Secret #18: ...
..and much, much more...
Now, this might seem like a lot of information and complicated but the protocol itself could not be simpler. It all boils down to one synoptic table.
And believe me.... the list above is just the tip of the iceberg! The Fatty Liver Bible is so much more than just an "e-book" - it's
the ultimate guidebook for people who have decided to take matter into their own hands and say
"NO MORE"...
With this book, you will again be in full control of your life, up to a point where you forget all about it. Without this book as
months go by, the burden will control you and as time goes by your life will
become centered and determined by your fatty liver and obesity.
I am speaking from personal experience.
What the Fatty Liver Bible Can do for you:
Reverse the chemical processes that lead to liver cancer or cirrhosis
(both conditions have extremely low life expectancy)
Peel the fat off like a furnace. And that's an understatement. As we said, your liver and your adrenal gland is what is holding you back. Once you shift the faulty chemistry, your body turns into a fat burning furnace.
I guarantee this. I know it first hand.
Don't just mask the problems, but get to the root cause of your issue and eradicate it right at the source. For good.
Invigorate your life energy and defeat the fatigue
As your blood starts to thin again, resolve that cellulite that is embarrassing you.
Finally get your dream beach body. I'm in my 6Os so the weight loss means a lot for me in health terms. But if you are younger, the weight you loose will finally bring you closer to the body of your dreams. I see people doing it every day.
Build you confidence and re-socialize
Look younger, feel lighter, healthier and more
Have increased mental
clarity, enthusiasm and vitality
Detoxify completely - you'll be cleaner than a life long
Defeat depression, mood swings and anxiety
Get back to every day issues in your life with an
overwhelming energy
Get the ultimate self-esteem boost. You'll feel like
nothing is impossible once your biggest nightmare is out of the picture. I felt
like someone gave me a leg after I was one-legged for years
What I said above can be your new reality in just months. If
the number of copies available did not reach 0, you can still be among the
lucky 3 hundred that get a copy of the Ezra Protocol. I just want to be honest,
from what I have experienced during the last efforts to get this batch out, I
am not confident about the future batches.
Don't wallow in the mire trying to figure
out the enigma of Fatty liver when someone has been doing all the work for 2 decades and you can access that information right Now.
All I can think about when I say this are the years that I
lost pursuing the solution. Trying and failing. Trying and failing. Again and
Remaining fat and miserable.
What I am trying to say is this - my story doesn't have to
be your story. I did it all, I popped pills, I was injected with all you can
think of, tried the alternatives and I found one that works.
Now you can skip what I went through
for years and find out in minutes
what I pursued for such a long time.
You might be able to do the same if you have the time and
years to put your life on hold. If I only were in your position when this thing
hit me. All the things that I lost in the meantime...oh, my God...but enough
about me, this letter is about
You are the one that will have to live with
this thing is you miss out on this opportunity because of doubts and skepticism
and go out tomorrow and spend twice as much on things that did not work last
year, did not work last month, did not work yesterday and , face it now and
here, will not work tomorrow. But at the end, the choice is all yours...all I
can share is...
It gives me the shivers to even think about
where would I be if I hadn't found out about the Ezra
As I promised, by the end of this page you'll know exactly
how to follow my footsteps to a healthy liver and a slick figure. In the process, I have put to use a
broader knowledge that has helped me to remain calm in the 'eye of the storm'
and fight all the things that follow this terrible disease. I have spent my
days learning about the things that are directly related to my fatty liver but
also about
herbal medicine and self-help in
This is the road that brought me to my new career as a
health consultant and nutrition specialist. During the past few years I wrote a
couple of other books on self-help and wellness subject. I sell these books on
separate sites. And I thought a lot about what I am about to say, but...
...since I can sell the Ezra Protocol to a very limited number of people (100) I decided to give away some of my other titles completely free as a
bonus to the Fatty Liver Bible.
Yes, you heard it right...
APPLY TODAY and you'll also receive
the following4 FREE bonuses worth
Other people are paying for These books and you have A chance
to get all the resources for FREE. Right Now !
And let me share another aspect of my healing that is commonly overlooked. Very little people know that the chemicals secreted by your body when you're feeling depressed can just stop the processes of weight loss as they interfere with your estrogen or testosterone production. That was proven beyond a doubt in official studies. In other words...
Reaching emotional stability is the first step. No way around it.
That is why I have put together what I call
"The Relaxation Toolkit"
consisting of:
And the most important thing !!
The Ezra Program is much more than books.
You get personal one-on-one counseling
with Debra Elkin for full 12 weeks:
That's right. For a limited number of people I will be offering
personal 1-on-1
You are not alone any more and you will feel it. I will guide you every step of the way and lead you to a healed and fit body and calm soul. I'll do for you what Jacob did for me.
I commit to that.
Personal support of a health specialist dealing exclusively with fatty liver is at your fingertips.
We'll form a small community of people that will get this kind of personal care and then I'll have to shut this offer down, since I will not be able to provide the kind of personal attention that I am committing to here.
I set the number at 100
based on my previous experience.
If you are seeing this offer, that means that there is still time to join and claim your sit in the program. If you miss out on this, you will have to wait at least 12 weeks until the previous group has finished their healing cycle.
I remember the days when I was starting my protocol...I was so scared that I phoned Jacob every day for re-assurance that I am doing it right. That allowed me to feel that I am always in control and on the right track. This is how you will feel also with our 24/7 email support in the program.
Based on the prices in my current practice I estimate that this counseling is worth
at least $ 180.
If you are among the 100 People to get it now, you get it
Why 12 weeks?
Because from my experience, 12 weeks is just enough time for anybody to regain complete control over her health and life, resolve fatty liver and kick start the fat burning machine that our body can be. On the other hand, with personal counseling people learn all there is to know about this thing, explained in detail and with a personal touch and a vast majority of them leaves the program with the kind of knowledge and intuition that allows them to effortlessly lead a life that will keep them free and healthy for years to come. They leave the program strong, self-aware, confident and above all educated about their body.
For over 95% percent of people that have left the program by this time it is a
life-shifting and awakening experience.
How to you claim your personal counseling sessions?
We will conduct all the counselling via email. Number of emails and frequancy are not limited. I commit to answering all your counselling questions within 24 hours.
When you get to your download page, you will receive your personal code for 1 on1 support, just make a note of this code and include it in the subject of your emails. As simple as that.
Just please never ever share on the internet or on public forums that these resources could be downloaded for free here, because other people are paying for them and I might get into trouble.
No self-conscious person that has the least shred of a doubt that she/he might have fatty liver that leads to liver cancer or cirrhosis should be left without the Ezra Protocol Resource Box of 6 e-books
in her/his library and without the most relevant personal support on the
So, let's look at what is your investment in this life changing system and personal counseling.
One thing is for certain - Mr. Jacob Ezra is among the 4 most renowned experts in the field of liver disorders and fatty liver in the world and the Ezra protocol in the only effective yet completely safe way of beating fatty liver.
Some of the drugs conventionally used to treat fatty liver are currently under review by the FDA for suspected risk of heart attacks !!!
The bottom line is...
There is no similar product in the market and the Fatty Liver Bible is
a one of a kind. There is no other book out there that is even
remotely similar to this resource that is so precious to those suffering from fatty liver.
A testimony of thousands of people worldwide that beat
fatty liver and obesity and the precise system they used to do so described in detail.
After a long period of time that I have worked on this book
and finally managed to publish it as an book, this complete resource box now costs
much less then it would cost if it was published as a hard cover.
You get the Fatty Liver Bible, 4
valuable bonus e-books and The Relaxation Toolkit consisting of 2 books and 12 hours of unbelievable audio that would cost many times more if purchased separately.
All for just $47.
Now pause for a second...
...and really and honestly think about how much you've spent trying to beat your fatty liver and finally get rid of your flabby belly. Now think about how much you'll spent in the next week or month on things that did not work last year, are not working today and will not work next month and next year.
Now consider all the solid proof that this system is the real deal and has helped 1000s worldwide resolve the exact problems that bug you.
I urge you not to procrastinate ordering at this low price!
Let me remind you that your order is processed and fully
guaranteed and completely safe. Not a single incident since this site exists.
Imagine that your solution can be on your computer within 1 minute and you can be online with me, Debra Elkin strategically designing the strategy for defeating obesity and fatty liver forever. Think about that.
Click Here And Secure Your Copy Now For Only $47
Time sensitive - Number of copies left at the moment:
Why is the offer time sensitive and the number of seats in the program limited?
Because, as you will further down the page, I am offering personal 1-on-1 support when you join the program. I can take you by the hand and show you all the steps but I cannot that with too many people so I have limited the number of people in the program at one time to 100. If you fail to get in now, you will probably have the chance to do so after a couple of months.
The number above indicates the number of copies (seats) left in the program at any given moment.
Are you concerned About Using A Credit Card Online?
All orders of
Fatty Liver Bible
are processed by a company that have had zero cases of credit card information being compromised in over 10 years of practice. They are using the same security systems the banks are using to protect the data (SSL encryption) and there is literally zero chance about anything bad happening, so you can be at peace if this was your concern at any point.
If you anything like me, you might be wondering right now:
"Why is this woman charging for the book?
How could somebody who suffered like I do charge to share her knowledge?"
I know that if I were you, this would be a question that would be in my mind.
There are two reasons for the fact that I have to charge for the book
First of all,
when I finished the website a few years back the ebook was
completely free
. But that was of no use, because nobody could get it because I didn't know how to get it out there. I didn't know how to introduce it to people and for over 6 months it was buried on the 3rd or 4th page of the search engines.
Then I realized that the only way for the ebook to find it's way to the people who need it is paid advertising. So, that is when I have decided to pay for advertising with the search engines, but that also meant that I had to charge for the book, since
I just didn't have the money to pay for advertising on my own.
The second reason lies in the fact that I have given up my day job in order to work with people with liver conditions and work on the development of this website. That is how I am making my living.
And this is God's honest truth.
Around 75% of every ebook purchased goes on retailer
and advertising fees, and the 25% allows me to continue
my work on autoimmune disease.
Allow me ask you one simple question.
Are you one of those
people that stubbornly try things that did not work in the past and hope they
will work this time?
I think that if you reading these lines and you came this
far that you most definitely are not. You are not one of those fatalists,
you take charge and make things happen.
This attitude brought me back my health, after long trial
and error. But, you don't have to go through the errors. I did it all for you. And
I found what works. Don't miss this opportunity for anything in the world if
there are still
copies left.
Click Here And Secure Your Copy Now For Only $47
Time sensitive - Number of copies left at the moment:
Why is the offer time sensitive and the number of seats in the program limited?
Because, as you will further down the page, I am offering personal 1-on-1 support when you join the program. I can take you by the hand and show you all the steps but I cannot that with too many people so I have limited the number of people in the program at one time to 100. If you fail to get in now, you will probably have the chance to do so after a couple of months.
The number above indicates the number of copies (seats) left in the program at any given moment.
Are you concerned About Using A Credit Card Online?
All orders of
Fatty Liver Bible
are processed by a company that have had zero cases of credit card information being compromised in over 10 years of practice. They are using the same security systems the banks are using to protect the data (SSL encryption) and there is literally zero chance about anything bad happening, so you can be at peace if this was your concern at any point.
And again, I feeel it is important to be frank about why the book is not free any more.
There are two reasons for the fact that I have to charge for the book
First of all,
when I finished the website a few years back the ebook was
completely free
. But that was of no use, because nobody could get it because I didn't know how to get it out there. I didn't know how to introduce it to people and for over 6 months it was buried on the 3rd or 4th page of the search engines.
Then I realized that the only way for the ebook to find it's way to the people who need it is paid advertising. So, that is when I have decided to pay for advertising with the search engines, but that also meant that I had to charge for the book, since
I just didn't have the money to pay for advertising on my own.
The second reason lies in the fact that I have given up my day job in order to work with people with autoimune disease and work on the development of this website. That is how I am making my living.
And this is God's honest truth.
Around 75% of every ebook purchased goes on retailer
and advertising fees, and the 25% allows me to continue
my work on autoimmune disease.
Let's take a moment here and recap on everything
Included in the Ezra Protocol program:
Included in the Ezra Protocol program
Market value $
Yours for $
The Fatty Liver Bible
Ezra Protocol (MAIN book)
$ 47
$ 47
Bonus 1:
Boost Your Metabolism
and Peel the Fat Off
$ 25
Bonus 2:
Nostrum of Herbal Remedies
$ 27
Bonus 3:
Back Door To The
Health Insurance System
$ 29
Bonus 4:
Natural Detox
$ 22
Super Bonus 1:
At Peace At Home
$ 45
Super Bonus 3:
Complete Course
Of Raja Yoga
$ 45
Super Bonus 4:
12 Hours Of The Most Beautiful Natural Relaxation
And Tranquility Sounds
$ 27
12 Weeks
of Personal
Counseling with Debra
$ 180
$ 47
And one more thing, my honest advice is not to wait a minute longer. When my friend told me about the man in Reims that specializes in the matters of the liver I hesitated a bit and thousands of thoughts just swarmed in my head. I hesitated for two reasons:
I was skeptical
A round trip from Paris to reims costs around 200 $ and a
treatment session with Mr. Jacob Ezra was also 'an arm and a leg' (I am not allowed
to disclose this here)
You, on the other, are in a very different situation.
have the convenience that I didn't have, someone that did all the trials and
errors for you and is telling you what finally worked.
I wish I had that. I
really do.
Right in front of you, you have the information that someone
else used to solve this terrible problem and this life changing book is just a
click away.
That's all there is to it.
Once you've downloaded your book,
read it entirely from cover to cover. The step-by-step instructions are written
in a conversational tone and in plain English so that you can use them right
The results will come. By following the step by step
instructions,every day your body will improve and become optimized to the
point of perfectionand you'll also start feeling and looking much better
as your body quickly starts re-balancing itself and simply shedding that fat off.
FREEDOM is at your fingertips.
You must be excited.
Let me tell you, this excitement in nothing compared to the excitement you'll feel when your disease starts to fade.
When you wake up and realize that your belly is visibly smaller and that just goes on and on, day in day out
just ecstasy. I am not good enough with words to describe
this, you have to experience it.
And if by this point you still have your dilemmas, let me
disperse every last shred of doubt.
Yes, you heard it right. If you don't like the e-book or you
consider that it doesn't contain the information I announce here, you will get
every last cent of your money back.
I have thought a lot about this.
But, when I look back and
remember all the trauma, I think that it's worth it. You might think about how
there must be something behind this, since people can buy the book and ask for
money back. Well, there isn't. I made my piece with the fact that there will be
some dishonesty here and I will loose money. But I believe that there is a
majority of honest people out there.
So, let me introduce:
Your 60 Days Instant
Money Back Guarantee Certificate
I am utterly and 100 % convinced that this system will work
for you.
That is why this money back is unconditional. Just take a
look at the information in this e-book and I know...I am sure it will blow your
You see, I know for a fact and first hand that the Ezra
Protocol works.
So I have no problem backing it up with a rock solid
guarantee like that.
Oh, I hope for your sake that you don't give in to the
doubts now when all the risk is taken away.
You might be thinking "But how do I get my money back and what if you tell me "No" when I ask for a refund?"
Let me put your mind at ease right away - the refund system is set up that way that I have no control over the refund process -
Asking for your money back if you are not satisfied with your e-book is a very straightforward procedure. You don't need to call me or contact you bank. You can get your money back if you are not satisfied and I don't even get a say in this, nor you have to explain anything to anybody. What happens is this:
After you apply and join the Ezra program, you download the e-books within minutes
You get an e-mail with your receipt number and a special link
If you click this link, you are taken to a page where you can raise a refund requests with just two simple and obvious clicks of a mouse
Your refund is processed within 24 hours. No phone calls. No explanations. No banks. No hassle.
Please just try the Ezra Protocol for 2 full months. Just try it.
the course closely. Use the program to the max. If you're not thrilled with
your results, if you don't feel like you're 20, if you don't shed that flabby belly off then I want you to simply get your refund and also write and tell
me. I honestly cannot see that happening because I see people healing and eradicating
this terrible thing every day.
On the other hand, if the Ezra Protocol helps you get your
health back and look and feel better than ever before, then I want you to
e-mail me your success story or testimonial to tell me about the results you
achieved - and tell all your friends about it too.
Click Here And Secure Your Copy Now For Only $47
Time sensitive - Number of copies left at the moment:
Why is the offer time sensitive and the number of seats in the program limited?
Because, as you will further down the page, I am offering personal 1-on-1 support when you join the program. I can take you by the hand and show you all the steps but I cannot that with too many people so I have limited the number of people in the program at one time to 100. If you fail to get in now, you will probably have the chance to do so after a couple of months.
The number above indicates the number of copies (seats) left in the program at any given moment.
Are you concerned About Using A Credit Card Online?
All orders of
Fatty Liver Bible
are processed by a company that have had zero cases of credit card information being compromised in over 10 years of practice. They are using the same security systems the banks are using to protect the data (SSL encryption) and there is literally zero chance about anything bad happening, so you can be at peace if this was your concern at any point.
In my time - during the period I was in pursuit of solution
for my fatty liver and obesity I have come across several books that claimed they had the
solution only to offer the same old commonly known facts wrapped up in a different
way. If you fear this could be the case with the Fatty Liver Bible, let me say this -
I've spoke so much about what it is, but let me disperse your doubts if you
still have any by telling what it's not...
Ezra protocol is
not about telling you to quit smoking and drinking coffee
and similar general vague statements...
Ezra protocol is not about some pep talk that you have to have a positive attitude and everything will fall into place. As I kept saying to my husband "
I'm not depressed and weak...there's something seriously wrong with me"
. Fatty liver has very specific underlying triggers with direct, unambiguous causative-relationship to the chemical processes in our body (on the cellular level primarily). These causative relationships are clear, measurable
and substantiated by official studies.
Ezra protocol is not about telling you not to eat and live healthy and how everything will be fine if you do as I say.
It is about laser sharp and concrete facts
about the causes of the disease explained in every day terms so that you can understand completely what's going on and how to stop it.
Ezra protocol is not about sloppy half-truths that you already know. It is
about information that is available exclusively in The Fatty Liver Bible
at this point in time. It is likely that this information will be widely available at some point in the future as things unfold, but at this time 80% + information is only available in-between those covers.
Ezra protocol
is not about re-chewing the information
already available. It is a fruit of personal research and dedication of
27 years. It is two people working on fatty liver and obesity, one for 27 years and the other for over 2 years now. Day in day out, month in month out, year in year out. Eating, sleeping and living fatty liver and NASH. That is what you get, 29 years
invested in a single revolutionary book.
...I Will Take You By the Hand and Show You the Exact Steps of the Healing Process. It Will Be Precise, Controlled, Simple and It Will Leave You with Zero Questions. I promise.
This e-book is packed with precise and clear facts but
written in a way that I would talk to you if we were having an afternoon walk,
because I know you don't need the complex science talk. I know you need to get
rid of that damn pain.
I wrote it in a way that will give you this kind of
[xyz natural substance]
is used instead of the actual substance)"
Week 1:
During this week I was taking 2 servings of
[xyz natural substance]
. One in the morning an one in the afternoon. This was
aimed at dissolving the billions of dead cells that are imprisoned in the body
of a patient with a fatty liver every week. The
[xyz natural substance]
is the only substance
in nature that can amend this kind of clutter without harming the living
tissue. Without
[xyz natural substance]
this problem is unsolvable and it is
worth it's weight in gold for people with fatty liver and weight problems.
40 official studies substantiate the effectiveness of
natural substance]
I measured if
[xyz natural substance]
was doing its job
by measuring my..."
I just wanted to give you a taste of how I will actually
talk to you on the pages of the Fatty Liver Bible. And remember, if you reach a place where
you have any questions
I am at your disposal 24/7 for email support and help.
will practically be your new neighbor when you join the program, the kind of
neighbor that shares her worst problem with you and can understand better then
anybody else.
Click Here And Secure Your Copy Now For Only $47
Time sensitive - Number of copies left at the moment:
Why is the offer time sensitive and the number of seats in the program limited?
Because, as you will further down the page, I am offering personal 1-on-1 support when you join the program. I can take you by the hand and show you all the steps but I cannot that with too many people so I have limited the number of people in the program at one time to 100. If you fail to get in now, you will probably have the chance to do so after a couple of months.
The number above indicates the number of copies (seats) left in the program at any given moment.
Are you concerned About Using A Credit Card Online?
All orders of
Fatty Liver Bible
are processed by a company that have had zero cases of credit card information being compromised in over 10 years of practice. They are using the same security systems the banks are using to protect the data (SSL encryption) and there is literally zero chance about anything bad happening, so you can be at peace if this was your concern at any point.
There are two reasons for the fact that I have to charge for the book
First of all,
when I finished the website a few years back the ebook was
completely free
. But that was of no use, because nobody could get it because I didn't know how to get it out there. I didn't know how to introduce it to people and for over 6 months it was buried on the 3rd or 4th page of the search engines.
Then I realized that the only way for the ebook to find it's way to the people who need it is paid advertising. So, that is when I have decided to pay for advertising with the search engines, but that also meant that I had to charge for the book, since
I just didn't have the money to pay for advertising on my own.
The second reason lies in the fact that I have given up my day job in order to work with people with autoimune disease and work on the development of this website. That is how I am making my living.
Around 75% of every ebook purchased goes on retailer
and advertising fees, and the 25% allows me to continue
my work on autoimmune disease.
So, I hope you understand why the book is not free any more.
If you are spending thousands of dollars
and still not addressing the causes,
then you are as stuck as the person
not doing anything.
But by now, I should not be saying this because if you read
this far
you are not the type of person that follows the crowd.
You are the
type of person that takes control.
If you're one of these special people who are motivated enough
to try a real honest and effective solution - one of the top 2% who are ready
to do what it takes to finally beat this thing forever then join us
today, because
waiting will never lead you to a better health.
And as I sit at my old table carved with names of my teenage
sweethearts, my heart goes to you. There is a real person on the other end of
this wire and your computer screen, person that suffered like you are suffering now
and put an end to it all.
I urge you know to procrastinate. this moment right now decides about your future days, months and years.
By the end of this day I could become your personal guide to
health and wellness. I hope I do and I hope we beat this thing together and make your dream body a reality.
Sincerely, Your Friend and Coach,
If you feel uncertain or have never purchased anything
online and you doubt that this might be some kind of a scam, do not hesitate to
contact me and allow me to eliminate any doubt that this program is a real deal
with a hard evidence of effectiveness. I will be happy to help you with any
dilemma that you might have.
Let me remind you once more that all the risk is
eliminated by the 100% money back guarantee and our famous refund
policy stands strong and guarantees your order and your right to an immediate
full refund.
To avoid disappointment, I urge you not to
procrastinate. Once the 100 copies with personal support are sold I will have to
pull this page from the internet altogether and you will miss out on the
information that would change your life.
Remember, at any time the special bonuses might be
pulled if I have complaints from people that have paid for the books and find
out that there are people getting them for free. If this happens, I am almost
certain that my publisher will ask me to withdraw the bonuses from the offer.
Let me remind you of one of the main benefits of
joining this program:
You would have the ultimate support. It is not about me and
I am not bragging, but just stop for a second and think. Think about how many
people are there in the world that are in the business of treating fatty liver, wrote
a best selling book about it and have suffered from this thing. I have
imagined so many times that I could have a doctor that understands. Truly and
honestly understands and not just nod his head. But nobody can understand if
they haven't felt it on their own skin.
I went through it all, and now, for a very limited time, I
am offering personal counseling together with the 6 books that make The Fatty Liver Bible set. I don't think that you can find a counselor elsewhere that meets
these criteria. With my guidance - within months, you will first beat it and
then forget about fatty liver.
And that is a personal promise from me to you.
Click Here And Secure Your Copy Now For Only $47
Are you concerned About Using A Credit Card Online?
All orders of
Fatty Liver Bible
are processed by a company that have had zero cases of credit card information being compromised in over 10 years of practice. They are using the same security systems the banks are using to protect the data (SSL encryption) and there is literally zero chance about anything bad happening, so you can be at peace if this was your concern at any point.
NOTE: Fatty liver Bible & Ezra Protocol is a downloadable
book. No physical products will be shipped. After you apply, you will get
INSTANT ACCESS to download the book and all the bonuses onto your computer.
The book format can be viewed on Mac or PC.
Now Fatty Liver Bible is one of the most hunted products on United States. This product quality is also excellent. Many Reviews has proven this item has best quality, so most of the buyers are satisfied. You can read it from customers review who have given positive responses. If you are interesting in this best buy on sale product, you should purchase soon to avoid disappointment, cause this item tends to sold out very quickly.
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Fatty Liver Bible Home Page
Fatty Liver Bible and Ezra Protocol. A holistic natural alternative approach to fatty liver and obesity reversal.
Fatty Liver | Liver Bible
Frequently Asked Questions. QUESTION: Fatty Liver? What is meant by fatty Liver ? Is this a serious health condition ? Is this a reversible condition. ?
Food For Fatty Liver | Liver Bible
Liver Metabolic Activity of the organism The liver is the most voluminous internal organs of the body and one of the most important in terms of metabolic a
NETBible: fatty liver
Search Type: Description: Example: all: search for verses that contains all of the search words. "fish bread" will search for verses that contains fish AND bread in
Fatty Liver Bible - Part 35
5 steps to eliminate fatty liver forever Xatral whose generic name is Alfuzosin belongs to the group of medications known as alpha -adrenergic blockers.
Fatty Liver Bible
Liver Transplant Hospitals In Hyderabad. LIVER Transplant. Liver damage from cirrhosis cannot be reversed, but treatment can stop or delay further progression and
Fatty Liver Bible Knowledgebase
This website itself is one of a kind when it comes to fatty liver information. Just by reading through the articles in the knowledgebase section you can obtain a
The Fatty Liver Bible and Ezra Protocol Review: SIDE
Does The Fatty Liver Bible and Ezra Protocol Works? Any Side-Effects? Read My The Fatty Liver Bible and Ezra Protocol Review!
Liver Bible
Finding the most efficient fatty liver treatment should not be that hard for you anymore. Introducing, the Liver Cirrhosis Bible and Ezra Protocol; a liver cirrhosis
Fatty liver bible & ezra protocol review ways to treat
Fatty Liver Bible & Ezra Protocol review reveals almost everything about a revolutionary treatment for fatty liver sufferers worldwide.
Fatty Liver Bible and Ezra Protocol. A holistic natural alternative approach to fatty liver and obesity reversal.
Fatty Liver | Liver Bible
Frequently Asked Questions. QUESTION: Fatty Liver? What is meant by fatty Liver ? Is this a serious health condition ? Is this a reversible condition. ?
Food For Fatty Liver | Liver Bible
Liver Metabolic Activity of the organism The liver is the most voluminous internal organs of the body and one of the most important in terms of metabolic a
NETBible: fatty liver
Search Type: Description: Example: all: search for verses that contains all of the search words. "fish bread" will search for verses that contains fish AND bread in
Fatty Liver Bible - Part 35
5 steps to eliminate fatty liver forever Xatral whose generic name is Alfuzosin belongs to the group of medications known as alpha -adrenergic blockers.
Fatty Liver Bible
Liver Transplant Hospitals In Hyderabad. LIVER Transplant. Liver damage from cirrhosis cannot be reversed, but treatment can stop or delay further progression and
Fatty Liver Bible Knowledgebase
This website itself is one of a kind when it comes to fatty liver information. Just by reading through the articles in the knowledgebase section you can obtain a
The Fatty Liver Bible and Ezra Protocol Review: SIDE
Does The Fatty Liver Bible and Ezra Protocol Works? Any Side-Effects? Read My The Fatty Liver Bible and Ezra Protocol Review!
Liver Bible
Finding the most efficient fatty liver treatment should not be that hard for you anymore. Introducing, the Liver Cirrhosis Bible and Ezra Protocol; a liver cirrhosis
Fatty liver bible & ezra protocol review ways to treat
Fatty Liver Bible & Ezra Protocol review reveals almost everything about a revolutionary treatment for fatty liver sufferers worldwide.
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